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Sunnys Registered Massage Therapy Practice

Request an Appointment


 Currently accepting new patients.

Recommendations and referrals are welcome. Thank you!

Online booking schedule is open for 2024.


Universal masking protocols are in effect.

If you have recently been outside of Canada, please delay booking for 10 days after your return. 

Appointments are wellness, screening, and weather permitting. Please give as much notice as possible whenever possible should you need to post-pone treatment.

Thank you for trusting Sunny's Registered Massage Therapy Practice with your care and respecting the care and needs of others.

Please select an appointment day and time that best suits your schedule and use the text box to communicate treatment needs, modifications, updates, re-scheduling etc.

Select Your Treatment

Select the type of treatment you would like

With Whom?

The treatment will be provided by.

Cheryl Evans

Pick Your Date and Time

Select the date and approximate time of your appointment